In 1990, a group of compassionate children in New Market, Minnesota, brought a stray mother cat to a local pet store for care, marking the humble beginnings of what would become Windmill Animal Rescue. As time went on, the shelter began to take in more stray, orphaned, lost, and injured animals, including local wildlife like raccoons, squirrels, and birds. Under the leadership of Toni Maat, this grassroots effort evolved into a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, officially launching as Windmill Animal Rescue in December 2003.
Today, we proudly serve communities including Farmington, Lakeville, New Prague, Shakopee, Credit River, and beyond. Our on-site shelter, located within Windmill Feed & Pet Supply just 30 minutes south of the Twin Cities, provides a haven for cats in need of permanent homes. Additionally, our network of dedicated foster providers helps care for many more animals. We rely on the generosity of donors and the dedication of volunteers to sustain our operations and ensure every animal receives the care and love they deserve